Summary: A credibility workbook for small businesses who want to build their know-like-and-trust factor.

Do you think that there is more or less trust and trustworthiness in the world? I’m going to guess that your answer is that there is less trust today than there was even a few years ago.
And you would be right.
This is the question at the root of a new book by Mitchell Levy, Credibility Nation: For Professionals Who Want to Be Seen as Credible.
Like the proverbial frog in the pot of water, we’ve been experiencing continuous and consistent decreases in trust over the last few decades.
According to The Edelman Trust Barometer, trust lies at the intersection of competence and ethics. Edelman has been measuring our levels of trust over the last 20 years and what they’ve found isn’t pretty. The good news is that business is seen as being relatively competent while not being as strong in the area of ethics.
One Man’s Fight for Credibility
Author, Mitchell Levy is a Global Credibility Expert. He has interviewed over 500 thought leaders from across the world on their credibility. This led him to uncover amazing insights on what credibility really is and why it’s important in today’s world, making him the go-to expert on credibility.
Mitchell has been a Thought Leadership Evangelist for 25 years and TEDx/ Commencement speaker. He sat as a chairman of the board of a NASDAQ-listed company. Mitchell is an International bestselling author of over 60 books and has created twenty businesses in Silicon Valley including four publishing companies that have published over 850 books.
In Credibility Nation, Levy is on a mission to turn up the volume on credibility by calling all business owners to join the credibility movement and take a credibility pledge to be a part of Credibility Nation.
Take The Credibility Pledge
The first page of the book features this credibility pledge.
I pledge to live credibly every day without hate in my life.
I strive to be a good human and make this a better planet for myself, my family, and for other people’s families in this generation and the next.
By placing this pledge on the first page of the book, the author highlights the mission of the book and the vision he has for all business owners to stand on the front lines of what he describes as a war on credibility.
This isn’t an academic book, nor is it that much of a thinking book. It’s a doing book and the doer is you.
In other words, this book is written for those business owners who have noticed this increased need to prove your credibility as a business and who want to look for creative ways to implement credibility strategies across their organization no matter the size.
How to Read Credibility Nation
Credibility Nation is probably one of the most interactive books I’ve seen. To be honest there isn’t much reading to do. You can probably go through the entire 180+ pages inside of 30 minutes. This is by design. All of Levy’s books are written that way.
There are numerous interactive features you might like such as the interactive thought summaries at the end of each chapter. I’m not sure if they were designed for this – but I like to look at them as prompts that you can use for how you will apply the Credibility Nation principles and then share them on social media — expanding the credibility movement to your community.
There are also numerous links to audio and video content. This is Levy’s way of covering all the different learning modalities; auditory, visual, and kinesthetic.
There are More Aha’s Where That Came From
Credibility Nation is just one of a series of books published by Levy’s publishing company, ThinkAha! Levy himself has published dozens of books on thought leadership including Hey, Did You AHAthat?: Thought Leadership in Seven Seconds or Less! Build Your Brand with AHAthat! and, BEing Seen and BEing Heard as a Thought Leader: What’s Necessary for Individuals and Businesses to Transition from the Industrial Age to the Social Age.
ThinkAha! is more than a publishing resource. This web resource contains dozens of free resources on thought leadership.
Credibility Nation is a DIY Effort
If you’re looking for specific credibility-building tactics, you won’t find them here. Levy shows you the structure, the model, probing questions, and the system. But what you do with all of this is up to you. And this is what might make this book a bit challenging for some readers.
Why Read Credibility Nation
If you’ve recognized the steady decline in trust and credibility in your industry or business, and you want to do something about it, Credibility Nation is a great resource to use with your team.
Ivana: How would you compare and contrast this book, with Mark Schaefer’s KNOWN: The handbook for building and unleashing your personal brand in the digital?