Spotlight: Mental Health Global Network Honors Friend with Mental Health First Aid Kit

Mental Health Global Network Provides Its Own Mental Health First Aid Kit

There are tons of tangible tools to help with physical health issues. However, there are often fewer options for dealing with mental health concerns. That is, until Mental Health Global Network produced its own line of products included in the mental health first aid kit.

Spotlight – Mental Health Global Network

Additionally, the company provides training and other resources to honor a friend and support others going through struggles. Read more about the MHGN below in this week’s Small Business Spotlight.

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What the Business Does

Provides mental health training and a unique support product.

Co-founder Kelly Marzoli told Small Business Trends, “Just like every facility/school has a physical first aid kit on hand, we created a Mental Health First Aid Kit with tangible tools for coping with mental health issues.”

Business Niche

Creating a first-of-its-kind product.

Marzoli says, “We are the first to put together a tangible tool kit for mental health issues.”

Additionally, the company’s training sessions provide a unique perspective. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the team did in-person trainings. But now, they are offering virtual sessions.

She adds, “Our educational programming is engaging and dynamic.”

How the Business Got Started

In honor of a friend.

Marzoli explains, “We started our company in honor of our friend, Connor Mullen (NJ), who took his own life at age 20. We want to help save other people like Connor.”

Biggest Win

Helping educators with their products.

Marzoli says, “Our biggest win thus far was a 115 bulk order from a school district – they bought kits for all of their teachers. This made us believe we could really do this. Mental health first aid kits should be as common at schools and workplaces as physical first aid kits!”

Biggest Risk

Developing a physical product.

Marzoli explains, “The biggest risk was investing into manufacturing our product and putting all of our money into testing different products.”

Lesson Learned

Be ready to pivot.

Marzoli says, “Our typical educational programming is in person and requires large gatherings. Now that we’ve taken our services online for a virtual training things are looking up.”

How They’d Spend an Extra $100,000

Shoring up their products.

Marzoli explains, “We would use it to invest in inventory, FDA, and medical endorsements from psychologists and doctors.”

Company Roots

A college club.

Marzoli says, “My partner and I met through a mental health awareness club in college. I started the club in the same effort to promote mental health awareness as our company stands for now. After I graduated, my partner took over the club. We were both fierce advocates for suicide prevention then… and now we are best friends and co ceos in the real world.”

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Find out more about the Small Biz Spotlight program

Image: Mental Health Global Network 1 Comment ▼

Annie Pilon Annie Pilon is a Senior Staff Writer for Small Business Trends, covering entrepreneur profiles, interviews, feature stories, community news and in-depth, expert-based guides. When she’s not writing she can be found exploring all that her home state of Michigan has to offer.

One Reaction
  1. Annie: I have participated in mental health first aid courses in Sweden. I am glad to read about this company, and I will spread the good word about it.