Nellie Akalp

Who Can Act As a Registered Agent?
Whether starting a new business or expanding your current company, it’s crucial to learn what’s involved in choosing a registered agent.
Aug 1, 2023What Solo Owners of Corporations Need to Know About Annual Meetings
Get ready for your annual meetings with these tips.
Jul 31, 2023Your 10 Point Checklist to Starting an Ecommerce Business
If you think you're ready to take your small business sales to the Web, you'll want to consider these 10 important steps before launching your eCommerce business.
Jul 24, 2023How to Change Your Sole Proprietorship to an LLC: 6 Easy Steps
If your small business has grown from a one-person operation, it's time to consider reclassifying it as an LLC. Here are 6 steps to getting that done.
Jun 23, 2023How to Attract (and Keep) Great Employees
If attracting and retaining top talent keeps you awake at night, you’re not alone. Here's how you can attract and keep great employees.
May 28, 2023S Corps and Reasonable Compensation
If you missed the deadline to claim the S Corp election, you can still file IRS Form 2553. However, your S Corp status will not begin until the following calendar year.
Mar 26, 2023Payroll Compliance Tips for the New Year
Payroll compliance requires all sizes of businesses. Here are 12 things to know to keep your business on the right side of payroll compliance in the coming year.
Jan 17, 2023